The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy
to say yes. ~Tony Blair
One of my personal pet peeves is the
time it takes to stand in the toothpaste aisle and simply stare at the shelves
until I finally find the specific brand and option that I want to buy. Now I understand why it takes so long. In an article I just discovered from February
2011, I learned that 352 distinct types or sizes of toothpaste were sold at
retail, down from 412 in March
2008! I’m also grateful to read that
Procter & Gamble has significantly reduced the number of oral-care products
because they've come to realize that fewer is actually better!
We've become a society of
options—options for everything—health care products, TV channels to watch,
satellite radio stations to listen to, music to download, etc., etc. The name of one of the most successful companies
to not only survive the recession but actually thrive right through it says it
all— Amazon!
As individuals we've come to
expect an abundance of options and organizations are no different. There’s an “opportunity” or “need” around
every corner.
In the not so distant past, it
could have been argued that one of the requirements of leadership was to know
what to say "Yes" to. But when abundance
[think toothpaste] far outweighs scarcity, the table has turned. Now it’s critical that leaders develop the
art of saying "No."
Gary Burnison writes in The 12 Absolutes of Leadership that "strategy
requires tough decisions: what the organization will and will not do in order to preserve its brand, honor its history, and
realize a future that is of its own making." In a recent article on Forbes online, Steve Denning writes "Leadership
is all about focusing energy on achieving an important goal. In achieving focus, leadership is implicitly
saying 'no' to all the other less-important things that might be attempted at
this time. In a sense, ‘saying no’ to
trivia and distractions is the essence of leadership."
So how do we do it? How do we actually practice the Art of No? Dana Theus provides three great suggestions.
If you don’t
say "No," you won’t leave room for the "Yes's" that matter.
If you run around saying "Yes" to things you mean "No" to, or worse, pepper people with "maybes" (which
tends to lead to paralysis after a bit), then your "Yes's" come to mean very
"No's" help you manage energy.
It's all about focus. No organization or person has the
energy, time or resources for everything that has to get done. As the leader,
it's your responsibility to maintain focus and you must always be looking for
ways to get rid of things that detract from it.
If you just say "No" and walk away, you're leaving all that
unsaid baggage dumped in their lap. Don't do that. Take the time to explain
your decision and empower them to say "No" earlier on the next time.
To quote the legendary war on drugs commercial of the 1980's: Leaders need to "Just say no"!
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